Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A little push from... Glenn Beck??

Ok, so Glenn Beck is pushing his favorite guy (Mitt Romney) on his radio show. But let's show him that we know better and vote for Huckabee on his poll. Go to his website and scroll down to the lower right hand corner and vote for our guy!

Instead of being pushed by the pundits, let's push the pundits!


Stormgaard said...

Reduced penalties for METH LAB DEALERS? 10 Billion dollars in tax increases?

Seriously dude. I know you're enjoying your fuzzy mind-numbing love haze right now - but wake up already.

Sounds REAL Christian to me... :P

Stormgaard said...

The countdown for when they disable comments on this blog because they can't handle a debate begins...

now. :)

Stormgaard said...


Tancredo just passed Schmuckabee. You might wanna update that picture you posted from Beck's website.

Anonymous said...

I have been a fan of Glenn Beck for years. he is funny, smart, and I like how he analyzes issues.

However, he seems to have gone a bit crazy when it comes to Huckabee. His reasons for not liking Mike Huckabee are completely ridiculous. it is clear that Glenn can not handle anyone even having questions about Mormonism.

I think Glenn is 100% in the Romney camp and is being completely disingenuous to his viewers and listeners about this.

I am very disappointed by Glenn Beck and the rest of the 'conservative media' right now. They are all supporting one candidate over another and are not providing any fair or balanced coverage of the GOP primary.