Friday, February 8, 2008

Why Not McCain? Why Huckabee?

I will be doing an essay on why I cannot support McCain for President later on. But before I write that article, I'd like to tell you why I'm for Huckabee a little bit instead of why I'm against McCain.

- Pro-life: Mike values life from when it starts: conception.

- Pro-family: the best and happiest families are families that have a mom and a dad. If we redefine marriage to be something other than a woman and a man living together and loving each other, we've redefined the very basic unit of society and have taken the ultimate step towards destroying our nation.

- Pro-small-business: America runs on the small business, not just the mega-corporation. The very basis of the American dream is that I can become self-employed and make a living doing something I love. Big government and big business are two siblings who when paired together tend to restrict and stifle small business enterprise. Mike wants to get the government out of the way of everyday people.

- Pro-second amendment: Mike Huckabee supports the second amendment, but does not apply it to just hunting. He realizes that Americans need to be able to defend themselves from the government in event that it gets so large and so out of control that they need to take it out.

- Pro-FairTax: It's been long said that there are two inescapable realities in life: death and taxes. But imagine choosing what taxes you'll pay? With the FairTax (which BTW, has been thought up by some very smart folks but is also supported by every day citizens like you and me), you only pay taxes on stuff that you choose to purchase. Most people will save a ton of money with the FairTax. Check out the FairTax calculator here to see just how much you'll save!

- Pro-America: the above reasons are just a start of why you should support Huckabee. The biggest reason is that he loves America and knows that it is a great nation and "the last best hope for humanity." More than 300 million reasons why you should vote for Huckabee!


John Evo said...

Huckabee is evil and this blogger has proven it pretty conclusively.

Anonymous said...

Moron that later . . .