Thursday, February 28, 2008

Reporting from RI

Let’s face it – Rhode Island is a very small state. It ain’t Texas. In fact, the Dallas-Forth Worth area is probably bigger than all of Rhode Island. On top of that, it is a very “blue” state. Republicans are as rare as hen’s teeth up here. So why on earth would Mike & Janet Huckabee even pay attention to Rhode Island? It’s simple. As Mike points out, “Every vote counts; every vote matters.”

Just ask anyone in the overflow crowd in Warwick last night if their vote matters. Many arrived over an hour early to stake their place in line to enter the Grand Ballroom at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The room was filled beyond capacity, spilling over into the outer hallways. Not only do these Rhode Island voters matter, but they matter even more when they tell their family, friends, co-workers and yes, even strangers on the phone that this country needs the leadership of Mike Huckabee.

While I didn’t major in math either, I do know that single votes do add up and we can win delegates In Rhode Island! Although there are very few Republicans in the state, most are pro-life. Delegates are apportioned; this is not a WTA state.

I should back up here and give a little “behind the scenes” view of a Meet Mike Huckabee event. I’ve been blogging about New Hampshire primary events and grassroots organizing since the earliest days of this campaign. From my ring side seat, here are some random musings about a day in a campaign.

Yesterday I arrived early in Warwick with some Huckabee signs for the rally. We keep recycling these signs from NH…to …MA…now RI. (Hopefully they will make their way to Mississippi for March 11). Now, in search of internet access to blog, I make my way with laptop to a conference room outside the ballroom. Lo and behold, inside the room it’s Janet Huckabee, Ed Rollins and some “embed” reporters. First I should say Janet is one gracious lady and secondly, Mike’s a lucky guy. Like Mike, she’s a regular down-to-earth person. I’m invited in; we ‘chat a spell’ about their New York visit and then back to work. Along comes a campaign staffer to make a Starbucks run. Now unlike the Hillary campaign, which listed $15,000 for Dunkin Donuts in Iowa alone, this is a “pass the hat” Huck Money deal. (Folks, trust me, your donations are not squandered)

Stepping out of the room, I meet a Providence TV reporter who wants to interview me and get some background on Mike Huckabee. Since she knew very little about him, she referred to him singularly as “a former Baptist preacher”. When I pointed out his long tenure as Governor, she so sweetly replied with an epiphany: “Well, that’s more executive experience than anyone running” I could only reply, “BINGO.” I introduce her to Janet and they do an interview.

Now I’m hanging out in a conference room with reporters awaiting the”media availability” with Mike prior to the event. There’s a 15 minute delay, so I’m chatting with some network reporters hearing their stories of covering Mike and other candidates

The conversation starts evolving into “Mike stories” about his amazing memory, his multi-tasking ability, his superb gift to connect with people, and of course, his sense of humor. Well, I couldn’t resist a chance to pontificate – “Guys, that’s what makes him a leader”

The Governor enters the room to start the conference, spots me across the room and gives me a “Hey Dale - good to see you” and greets others by name. One of the only unique questions, (as opposed to the “Why are you in the race still?” question), was on the press report that Mitt Romney might re-enter the race. Mike boiled it down to being the ultimate in changing your position to go from endorsing McCain to un-endorsing him.

I now go in to the Grand Ballroom, where the band is warming up the crowd, the chants begins for Mike. There was deafening roar when Mike & Janet enter. Then, Mike does a little Mustang Sally on the bass. I won’t reiterate his entire speech since readers of this blog know where he stands, But, he gives an inspiring challenge to his supporters to vote and get out the vote When talking about the Fair Tax, Mike pulled out of his pocket a 1040 tax form, ripped it to shreds, threw it in the air and the crowd went wild.

Standing next to me was National Chairman Ed Rollins, who served Ronald Regan. I jokingly whispered to him “Excuse me, I’m a little history challenged. Who again is the Great Communicator?”

He just pointed to the stage.

Folks, it ain’t over till Texas says it’s over. And Rhode Island, too.



Ronald Regan – SDI
Strategically Dead Icon

Well, well, well, (Now that’s a “Deep” subject) it appears that Ben Stein has a lill’ movie.

I have a wee film/research too but unlike Mr. Stein mine illuminates AND entertains in about five minutes and, A-N-D, it’s FREE!

Mr. Stein (BTW: moi’s film/research tells how the Jewish people REALLY came about) charges you for propaganda and I give the human race knowledge for free, ain’t I a moron? Perhaps.

And here is moi’s, officially ignored, film/research
into the origin of Christendom.

Since the film is
the awful facts it must be disregarded by those that tout
the beautiful untruths.

The Religious Authorities, and those that GAIN from there being religions [e.g., People in the “Business” of Atheism], always say NOT to view that which they DO want you to see and avert their eyes, and remain quite silent, about that which they hope you will not chance upon.

Part I

Part II

If there were a place, and there is, where intelligence that rises little higher than our human brain stems’ capacity WERE allowed Mr. Stein WOULD be found there, hence. . .check your local theater listings for Mr. Stein and murmuring mermaids and yammering yaks - talkin’ terrorists - pontificating puppies - babbling babes – enunciating elephants – answering ants – zinging zombies - replying Rambos a al lambos – and many more such “Levels,” though a basically base intellectual strata they t’were, ‘tis and t’will be.

However, Ben Stein is only doing exactly what moi tells people TO DO and that is,
suck-up to the prevailing mythology in the CULTure you happen to be surrounded by.
Hence, Ben Stein is flying first class and considering buying a private plane and moi ‘tis takin’ the bus and considering purchasing some meat, for WifeyWu, if’in moi can budget it in.

Stay on groovin’
(Ain’t ya glad moi didn’t alliterate from A to Z?)

Rod said...

Hey, Roger Williams was a Baptist so maybe there's an advantage for Huckabee.