Wednesday, February 27, 2008

America: A Big Country!

"America is big.

"Big ideals. Big freedoms. Big heart.

"We need big borders.

"Not because we’re an arrogant nation. But because we’re a country who wants people to cross the welcome mat before reaching out for privileges. As Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee puts it 'If you come (to America), you should come through the front door and sign the guestbook!' (Speech in Plano, Texas, Collin County Community College, February 20, 2008).

"We are a nation comprised of immigrants. Most families can find more than one relative’s name on a ship manifest or on the roll at Ellis Island. We’re proud of the fact that we are the country who welcomes the “tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” (“The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus, 1849-1887) We all recognize that were it not for the gracious hand of liberty beckoning to our own ancestors, none of us would enjoy the privileges of citizenship today.

"We believe everyone needs a hand up, but we don’t appreciate a thumb in the nose.

"And when we say border security doesn’t matter, we are ignoring the thumbed noses of those who would skulk into our country and manipulate our government services to their own advantage.

"Americans believe in equality. That means “if it’s fair for me, it’s fair for you.” Cutting in line isn’t allowed. Strengthening border security means that everyone gets a fair chance, because our resources are not being drained to solve the difficulties connected with those here illegally.

"Mike Huckabee is the only presidential candidate to sign the No Amnesty Pledge (January 16, 2008). He has promised to make strengthening our borders a top priority of his administration. He will not tolerate sanctuaries for illegal immigrants and will seek penalties for employers who hire them. His guarantee to American voters is 'I will take our country back for those who belong here. No open borders, no amnesty, no sanctuary, no false Social Security numbers, no driver's licenses for illegals.'

"Mike Huckabee will lead the way in putting out the welcome mat….behind a strong front door. And that’s a safe plan for everybody who lives in America."

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