Thursday, January 10, 2008

If he can't win in Iowa or New Hampshire, why would he win in November?

Mitt Romney has already lost two key battles for which he faught long and hard. He was defeated, in both cases, by two people who spent less and were seen as "Davids." The common wisdom that you win by spending tons and tons of money was hosed.

Mitt has now decided to focus all efforts on Michigan and he might be able to eek out a win there. However, even if he does win there, then somehow manages to win in SC, what are the chances that he will in in Nov 08? He's begun a losing streak and soon he'll be conceding everything.


Unknown said...

Two key battles? There was a candidate in 2000 in the Republican primary race who lost in Iowa and then was crushed in New Hampshire by 19 points. He happens to be in the Oval Office, because he did indeed win in November.

The only thing that these two (out of fifty) races have indicated is that Huckabee can do well with evangelicals in Iowa but will fail to attract the non-Christian voters in the rest of the country.

Unknown said...

P.S. - Bush also lost Michigan to McCain in 2000. Again, one of them went back to the Senate and the other to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.