Wednesday, January 9, 2008

"Club for Greed" would have attacked Reagan too!

Had the "Club for Growth" (aka "Club for Greed") been around when the populist Reagan ran, they would have attacked him as a "tax and spend" liberal just like they are attacking Huck!
Our Opinion
Nashua Telegraph 11/25/1975

Mr. Reagan's Record
Ronald Reagan, or so the ultraconservative legend runs, brought the yeasty state of California to the brink of perfection during his two terms as governor.

Since his tenure as governor constitutes his first and only governmental service and experience, Mr. Reagan and his flacks make much of it; too much, in fact.

When he announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination last week, Mr. Reagan performed the obligatory "mess in Washington" routine and promised to clean it up tidily, using the techniques he employed as governor of California to "manage government more efficiently." "We found that fiscal responsibility is possible, that the welfare rolls can come down, that social problems can be met below the federal level." So much for the rhetoric. Now for the record:
While Ronald Reagan was governor of California the state budget soared from $4.6 billion to $10.2 billion — a more than 100 per cent increase.

While Ronald Reagan was governor of California the state sales tax was increased from 4 per cent to 6 per cent, the corporate income tax was increased from 5.5 per cent to 9 per cent, and the top personal income tax was increased from 7 per cent to 11 per cent.

While Ronald Reagan was governor of California the number of state employees increased by 5.7 per cent. This is the mart who promises to cut armies of employees off the federal payroll, who promises to balance the budget, who promises to begin paying off the national debt and who, to top his program of conservative delights, promises to cut taxes to boot.

Some people may be charmed by Ronald Reagan's pitch; some people may even be persuaded, but the difference between promises and performance, between the Reagan rhetoric and the Reagan record is a difference that should be made plain to the voters of New Hampshire and the rest of the nation.

I am in no way attacking Reagan, just making the point that when Reagan ran, the "republican establishment" attacked him too. Reagan didn't abide by the "rules" that the establishment set. He made his own rules and stuck by them. The same is true for Huckabee today.


Unknown said...

Great idea to start attacking Reagan! That's definitely the way to get the conservative vote.

Matt Prihoda said...

Sweet article! Very sweet! It sounds just like what some are saying about Mike Huckabee. By the way, see my analysis of Obama on the 2nd Amendment at
